Our most frequently asked questions:
How often should we visit the dentist?
The ADA recommends that every member of the family receive a comprehensive dental exam and cleaning twice a year. Tooth decay accounts for more school absence than any other childhood disease. It’s the #1 most common disease of childhood. To avoid decay, toothaches, and unexpected trips to the dentist, daily brushing and flossing are a necessity. Studies have shown that a fluoride treatment at the time of your cleaning and exam every six months can help reduce tooth decay by a whopping 70%!
When should I schedule my child’s first dental visit?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends a visit by the first tooth or first birthday. This first visit should be scheduled early in the day when your child is happy, fed, and alert. It should be a short, friendly 15-20 minute exam. It will help them get used to the experience of sitting in the chair, opening their mouth and having their teeth counted. The dentist can also check to see if there are any potential problems with the gums, jaw, and overall oral health. By seeing children early we can help them to have a positive experience and a lifetime of good dental health.
Why should we worry about baby teeth if they are just going to fall out?
Cavities in baby teeth can cause pain, infection, and poor nutrition in your child. Because of a tooth ache your child may not be able to chew properly and get the nutrition they need. Infection in baby teeth can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems. Decay can also damage emerging permanent teeth. Baby teeth are important in speech development. They also serve the important purpose of holding space and guiding permanent teeth into proper alignment. This is why it’s important to keep baby teeth healthy and strong until it’s time for them to fall out naturally.
What if we have an emergency?
If your child is a patient of record, and you have an emergency after hours, on weekends, or holidays you may call us at (918) 251-3333 and you will be directed to a Super Smiles team member. We are here when you need us.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly staff members.